Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Tides that Bind

Wow, it's been a super long time since I've been here. And not because i've been too busy or anything, but because I forgot about Blogging! I'm a stranger to the "vent to the world" mentatlity! Trying to be better though! So... here goes! Since I last updated, I've done many a thing. Specifically, graduating from USF (University of South FL) with a Master's Degree in Medical Sciences with a concentration in Anatomy and up and moved to Shreveport, LA to be an instructor in the cellular biology and anatomy department. Basically what I do is work with the first year medical students on cadaver dissections; however, it seems that I am also a janitor since I'm told to refill papertowel dispensors, soap dispensors, sweep the floors, take out the trash, etc. I don't know how I got roped into that, but oh well! I like the job. I've been here about seven months and am starting to wonder if this was the right choice. I have decided to try applying to the medical school that I work for and see if I can get in (but unless God decides to come down and help me take the MCAT, I don't think i'll get in!). I really need something other than this. They are giving me some lectures in the fall, which should abide me for now, but I know that the itch will come back. I want to go, see, be somewhere else. Namely California, even now as I attempt to get into medical school am I looking at programs for residency out there. I want to be there, I should be there. I am not someone who is supposed to live and stay in the same place for years and years. The time has come for me to actually go and do some "work", but I promise to come back soon and write again! <3>

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